Stacy + Derrick I austin, texas

Stacy + Derrick are BOOM-tastic! church: University Avenue Church of Christ, Austin TX reception venue: Lady Bird Wildflower Center, Austin TX

Kelly + Brad

Kelly and Brad will be wed on June 19th, but if you ever forget that just check out the jerseys Kelly had made from Brad’s favorite team. 🙂

Courtney + Steve {day after}

We had the crazy awesome pleasure of shooting Courtney & Steve‘s amazing wedding at Texas Old Town last fall and then we got to shoot them AGAIN when they decided a day after session was right up their alley. Holy boom boom pow, Batman! They are so awesome. I mean, check out this email Courtney sent […]

Lindy {bride-to-be}

set. lasers. to. STUN!!! Lindy works magic. She is such a beautiful person inside and out and just being around her for a little while isn’t enough in my opinion, :).  And luckily for the brides of the world, Lindy is a florist! Send me a message if you would like her info because she […]