We had the crazy awesome pleasure of shooting Courtney & Steve‘s amazing wedding at Texas Old Town last fall and then we got to shoot them AGAIN when they decided a day after session was right up their alley. Holy boom boom pow, Batman! They are so awesome. I mean, check out this email Courtney sent me after the photos were all done.
you guys… seriously?!!!?! we are freaking out! how incredible are
you guysssszzzzzz?!
i’d like to think this is your best work yet 🙂 the architecture is
just stunning. and we have enough beautiful photos of ourselves to
last a lifetime… or at least until our 1 year anniversary. ha!
i can’t wait to get the cds and get these babies printed!
happiest of thursdays!
How sweet is that!? Thank you Courtney! Another cool thing that happened is this really amazing album company called Loktah contacted us about Courtney + Steve’s wedding and wanted to feature it in one of their new album designs! They are going to send us one soon, so once we get it in you bet your bottom dollar it will be up on this blizzog. Happiest of Thursdays!