Adriana + Colter Day After I Barcelona, Spain
Boom Boom Pow
Adriana + Colter are Farkle masters. But more importantly they are masters of the sessy face. Click the screenshot of awesomeness to head over to one of my fav wedding sites on the interwebs. High five to Ashley at Hi-Fi Weddings =D
Adriana + Colter I Barcelona, Spain
2011! Yeah, we are still riding that Happy New Year train. Oodles and oodles of cool stuff happened last year, it is honestly hard to wrap our brains around it all (but so fun to try!). We worked harder in 2010 than we have ever worked in our lives. Well, except for that lawn mowing […]
Adriana . Parque Guell . Barcelona, Spain

It’s not everyday you get to shoot a bridal session in Park Guell. 🙂