Toms Shoes/ Wedding Shoes

Chad and I have been uber hugetastic fans of TOMS shoes for many years now. In fact, our best friends/family have thrown many a dance party in honor of the TOMS mission back in our college days. For anyone that is unfamiliar, TOMS shoes was founded on a simple premise: For every pair of TOMS shoes that you buy TOMS will provide a pair of shoes to a child in need, a One for One deal. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what they are all about, and Chad and I are in LOVE with that kind of mission. I encourage, no, DEMAND that each and everyone of the 15 people that read our blog to buy a pair of TOMS shoes…just kidding…but not really 🙂

We love Toms so stinking much that if you book your wedding with us in the month of May, starting today, and make plans for your entire wedding party to wear TOMS shoes on the wedding day, we will waive 30% of your wedding package costs. What a deal right! Just jump over to our website and shoot us an e-mail if this sounds like something right up your alley. Please place TOMS Wedding in the subject line.

Can’t wait to pick out the shoes for your wedding day? Check out the super cool shoes here! ——->

loving love, and being in love,


Tom's Shoes