Gage I Ruidoso, NM
The Land of Enchantment is no joke. We can go ahead and add Gage to our ever growing list of people that hail from this place and just make life more awesome.
Lauren I Abilene, TX
Lauren is a golfer, a girly girl, and one independent young lady. I am always so amazed when seniors come to sessions by themselves because I am pretty sure a lifelong friend took mine and I totally brought my mom along. 🙂 Speaking of Mom’s. I am about to be one for the first time […]
Chelsea I Abilene, TX
Look out world, here comes Chelsea! Let me tell you, this girl can sing, dance, and has fearless style. She is beyond cool. We don’t do a whole lot of shooting outside of weddings and couples, but we LOVE shooting seniors. Enjoy! This is Chelsea’s sister, Chera. She snuck in a few for a little bit […]
Victoria I abilene, tx
Victoria graduates this year. Her plans consist of sweeping the gym floor with her volleyball skills at HSU this fall. We think Victoria is RadTASTIC!
Caleb Preview
Preview of our new fellow Toms shoes loving friend, Caleb!
Candace {senior}
Candace is the queen of cute. She is a senior at Abilene High School, whose football team just won their seventh state championship. Candace was along for the ride the whole time, doin that thing that seniors do :). Here are just a few from her session! YAY for Seniors 2010! Candace, you are awesome […]