While running the risk of sounding diva, I once had a personal trainer. This trainer made everything look all fit and tone and awesome for that time in my life when I married my high school sweetheart, Chad (YAY!). My least favorite thing she ever made me do was lay on the ground with a big exercise ball between my knees, my legs and arms straight out. Sounds harmless right? Okay, now try crunching up, keeping your extremities straight, until your arms and legs almost touch, taking the ball in your hands, and then rotating back down to the ground (almost!) grasping the ball with your hands. Then crunch back up and placing the ball back in-between your legs and go back down… repeat… fifty times… thanks Velvet. As my parents used to say, this hurts me more than it hurts you and the emotional scars I suffered in the attempt to look 1/8th as good as Heidi Klum in a black plastic sac don’t even scratch the surface as to how much I LOATHED this exercise. ALL I wanted was some sort of an ab, and ALL my trainer had to say was, meet Deshea & Doug.
My abs hurt worse (in a totally good way!) than any circle-ball-of-Heidi-death exercise ever made me feel, and it was all from laughter. Chad and I had such a FANTASTIC-o time hanging out with D squared that we secretly tried to tell them the best place to eat dinner in Abilene was the place we were going to. Anyway, we aren’t crazy. Enjoy!
Side note:
Velvet is AWESOME and I highly recommend if you are looking for that kick in the pants with love trainer!